The longest day of this year seems to be appropriately positioned following the G7 summit in Cornwall. Today’s plentiful sunshine (at least in this corner of the world) seemed to reflect the thawing of relations between the US and other G7 members. I was struck by photos from the summit, particularly the photos of politicians and the Queen smiling in the presence of Joe Biden. Yes, the photos are curated by the media, yes, these are simple photos that do not get into the details of what was discussed at the summit and the ‘optics’ of important international leaders seemingly happy in the presence of the United States of America is a welcome change.
PHOTOS: Joe Biden with: the Queen via, Merkel by Guido Bergmann-Bundesregierung-Reuters, Johnson smiling via The Guardian, with Marcon’s hand on his back by Reuters, Johnson shouting by Reuters. Jill Biden with LOVE jacket by Brendan Smialowski-AFP.