Never in my life have I felt more uncertain of the future of our shared humanity. The intensity of the unpredictability is at once unsettling and releasing.
Most of the world is, or has been in some sort of shut down. Seemingly simple things – like giving my friends a hug – are no longer a given. And there is a beauty in the fact that we are all experiencing the effects of Corona. Maybe this united experience can begin to break down the sense of otherness that we sometimes feel. ‘This thing is happening on the other side of the world. That thing is happening but id doesn’t really effect me’, in these times the validity of these ideas falls away because we are ALL experiencing the isolation, uncertainty, fear and grief of living in a time with COVID-19.
I feel the universe saying more loudly now than ever before, ‘you are all one people, one humanity’. And my heart is full to see the world wide protests in support of Black Lives Matter that are echoing this message.
Perhaps we can all listen. Listen to the universe, listen to the resurgent movement(s) for equality, listen to our own experience and our own emotions and listen with a new openness to each being we interact with. We are all here sharing this earth, sharing the experience of the present and sharing our humanity.