Stillness is a strange concept for a human. Even if we think we are perfectly still, we still experience the rise and fall of our chest as we inhale and exhale. Even if we can learn to reduce the physicality of our breathing we are still in motion because we are all stationed on a moving planet. Perhaps it is not possible to be human on earth and be absolutely still. And yet, I’m drawn to the practice of being still and the questions that arise from that practice: How can I be still when there is so much happening? How can I make my mind still when thoughts continue to arise? How do I feel about being still? What’s it like to be still right now?
The recent drastic shift in how we interact with our world has been helpful in allowing me to find more stillness. There seems to be less pressure to go there, or see that or to talk about this. I find that many of us are letting go of the things that we did not hold dear allowing for more time, space and stillness for us.
Photo by Wayne Dahlberg on Unsplash